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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


mY lIfE rEaLlY Is a hOrRiBlE mEsS,
Im aLl aLoNe iSoLaTeD,uNlOvEd,aLoNe.mY lIfE Is a pAtHeTiC aNd hArDlY wOrTh lIvInG,
iM rUnNiNg FoR mY lIfE,
EvEnThO iM nOt SuRe iTs WoRtH lIvINg..

nEw mOnStEr iN dA hAuZ!!

Hyep weirdo monsters!!

thanxa 4 visiting my blogster,

so theres alot of things that u guys weirdo monster doenst know bout me,

so if u wanna know??

keep on comin' here freak!!

n u will monsterize me better bitch!!!

with alot of poisonous love,
