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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


    These is called TRASH BAG COUTURE!!its inspired by KE$HA!!who said that trash bag cant be hawt is WRONG!!!so WRONG!!just use ur creativity to make it hawt,anything can be hawt when u make it hawt and think its hawt than it is HAWT!!ahakz!<3!ke$ha is so inspiring!!she's awesome!!so these some of my design!!hope u lyke it!!

                                                                                                                       with a lot of poisonous love

bEiN gOlDeN bLOnDE!!

                           i've been blonde for a month now and it is fun but i got bored with it
                               so i decided to go brunette this december and i also goin' to style cut it.
                               i hope it turn out gud!!bein blonde is awesome but there still something not
                        awesome bout it,not all the freaks lyke its suxs but im glad there's still some
                            of da freaks that lovin it..<3!thanxs freaks!!

                                                                                                         with a lot of poisonous love

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


mY lIfE rEaLlY Is a hOrRiBlE mEsS,
Im aLl aLoNe iSoLaTeD,uNlOvEd,aLoNe.mY lIfE Is a pAtHeTiC aNd hArDlY wOrTh lIvInG,
iM rUnNiNg FoR mY lIfE,
EvEnThO iM nOt SuRe iTs WoRtH lIvINg..

nEw mOnStEr iN dA hAuZ!!

Hyep weirdo monsters!!

thanxa 4 visiting my blogster,

so theres alot of things that u guys weirdo monster doenst know bout me,

so if u wanna know??

keep on comin' here freak!!

n u will monsterize me better bitch!!!

with alot of poisonous love,
